Articles tagged with: k-12

[12 Oct 2012 | Comments Off on Is the Flipped Classroom Moving Us Backwards? | 2,520 views]
Is the Flipped Classroom Moving Us Backwards?

There is a lot of excitement over the concept of the flipped classroom, and rightly so. I remember sitting through many math lectures in high school that seemed to make sense, until I went home to try to do the homework. The next day our teacher would essentially re-teach the material, and then go through the confusing examples with us in class.
It could be great, if all kids follow through each night with homework, but lower achieving students are more likely not to, and that will further drive the two …

[15 Apr 2012 | Comments Off on Is there a place for Social Media in K-12? | 2,440 views]
Is there a place for Social Media in K-12?

Social media seems to hold great potential for learners to collaborate and communicate. But it also makes a lot of people nervous about it being such a public platform. Is it appropriate for kids to be using social media? Is it appropriate for it to be used in schools? Is it appropriate for teachers to communicate with students outside of school, using social media?

[22 Sep 2011 | Comments Off on Video – some uses of QR codes in schools | 1,579 views]

Black & White and Scanned All Over

[21 Jul 2011 | Comments Off on Subway Supermarket | 2,111 views]

A supermarket chain in South Korea has come up with a way to allow commuters to do their shopping while they wait for the subway. They hung life size banners along subway walls that recreate supermarket aisles and included QR codes for each item on the virtual shelves that when scanned add the item to the shopper’s online cart. When customers check out, the order is placed via the supermarket’s website and then delivered to the customer’s home later that day.
This is brilliant – not only does it improve the …

[15 Jun 2011 | One Comment | 18,471 views]

A colleague shared this Slideshare presentation with me on the topic of gamification – – and while it is certainly not the only presentation/article on the topic it does include most of the main points that I’ve seen in other presentations and articles, so I thought it was worth giving my two cents.
The author identifies several gaming elements as being relevant for education, and I think all fall into the same category – motivation. Adding points, XP, leveling up, acheivements, etc all help students feel more excited about their …

[4 Apr 2011 | Comments Off on RustyMikeRadio interview: Computer games – Socially Damaging Waste of Time or Powerful Educational Tool | 1,208 views]

In this podcast I chat with Adam Mallerman from Rusty Mike Radio and Dena Lerner from Tomorrow’s Genius about the educational potential of games.
(right click & save link here to download this podcast)