Articles tagged with: Web 2.0 Tools

[15 Apr 2012 | Comments Off on Is there a place for Social Media in K-12? | 2,440 views]
Is there a place for Social Media in K-12?

Social media seems to hold great potential for learners to collaborate and communicate. But it also makes a lot of people nervous about it being such a public platform. Is it appropriate for kids to be using social media? Is it appropriate for it to be used in schools? Is it appropriate for teachers to communicate with students outside of school, using social media?

[1 Feb 2012 | Comments Off on Edtech and Elmer Fudd | 3,380 views]

OK, in this post I’m not going to talk about Elmer Fudd but rather a distant cousin – the FUD factor. What is the FUD factor? Unfortunately, it’s something that rules many aspects of our lives. FUD stands for


When faced with something new, or sometimes just different, it’s natural to react with fear or uncertainty about the new thing and doubt that it’s worth our time. Or doubt that we can figure out what’s worth our time, since there are so many new things all the time – especially when …

[1 Aug 2011 | One Comment | 3,465 views]
Teaching Digital Storytelling: Part 1

What is digital storytelling, and why should a content teacher bother with it? Isn’t this something for computer teachers to be doing with students? Actually, digital storytelling is relevant for any and every teacher – both as a way to create good teaching resources for your class, and as a useful assignment for students when they create their own stories. So what do you need to know about digital storytelling to begin?
Digital storytelling means creating stories, well, digitally – using a computer, as opposed to pencil and paper. Why is …

[21 Jul 2011 | Comments Off on Subway Supermarket | 2,112 views]

A supermarket chain in South Korea has come up with a way to allow commuters to do their shopping while they wait for the subway. They hung life size banners along subway walls that recreate supermarket aisles and included QR codes for each item on the virtual shelves that when scanned add the item to the shopper’s online cart. When customers check out, the order is placed via the supermarket’s website and then delivered to the customer’s home later that day.
This is brilliant – not only does it improve the …

[24 May 2010 | Comments Off on It’s not what you know, it’s how you know it | 1,970 views]

It’s not what you know, it’s how you know…that you know it… (huh???)
What’s an educational technologist to do? Objectivism, constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, there are many isms that don’t seem to get along very well. Although each perspective seems to reflect at least some part of reality, there is little middle ground to reconcile all these varied theories. Reality either exists and is revealed to us as we learn, or there is no reality outside of what we think we know. Each theory seems to exclude the world view of the …

[1 Apr 2010 | Comments Off on A new Web 2.0 epistemology? | 1,863 views]

In an Educause article from 2008 Chris Dede, the Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, proposes that there has been “A Seismic Shift in Epistemology” since the introduction of the collaborative, user generated online communities called Web 2.0.
Originally, websites were simply informational sites published by one user for readers to see and enjoy but not contribute to. In a new take on an old medium websites were books and papers published online instead of in print. With the introduction of web 2.0 …